What Our Foundation Does
The goal of Keep Loreto Magical Foundation is to conserve our water and the environment…
through restoration and protection of Loreto’s natural resources - including our beautiful Gulf of California and the watersheds of our magnificent Sierra de la Giganta - and promoting their responsible use.
We also build capacity in the community for conservation…
by empowering Loreto individuals and organizations to gain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, and other resources they need to support the community sustainably and protect our rich local heritage.
Announcing Noche Magica Gala 2025!
Join Us for a fabulous evening with friends at the Noche Magica Gala on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
Gala tickets are limited for this sell-out event, so sign-up today as a Sponsor and receive exclusive Sponsor benefits!
Happy Holidays & Feliz Año Nuevo
from all of us at
Keep Loreto Magical!
Parks Update!
On 16 August 2023, a little over a year ago, our decades of work and collaboration with the government and other sustainability groups paid off when Nopoló Park and Loreto II Park were created by Presidential decree.
CONANP has recently indicated that it will soon finalize its Management Plan for the national parks! KLM is ready to support the parks’ goals of sustainable development, ecotourism / recreation, and habitat protection.
Loreto’s Beauty is All Around Us…
Explore Our Site…
What does Keep Loreto Magical mean?
Some places are magical, as we feel Loreto is, and we must listen to that feeling. Even the federal government has called Loreto a Pueblo Mágico and its waters are part of a globally recognized United Nations World Heritage Site.
So, how do we take care of it and keep it magical?
By restoring, regenerating, conserving and protecting the Loreto community, culture and natural resources, with these guiding principles in mind: