Meet Our 2025 Sponsors!

Thanks to the following friends of Keep Loreto Magical
we reached 120% of our Noche Magica Sponsor goal!


Their generosity will help sustain the 2025 programs of Keep Loreto Magical Foundation to conserve Loreto’s natural resources, protect its beauty, preserve its unique bio-diversity, and strengthen our rich local heritage.

Thank you!

Sponsor Tickets PIck-Up

Your Sponsor Benefits come with Gala tickets based on your sponsor level as follows: Blue Whale $10,000 - 10 tickets; Orca $5,000 - 6 tickets; Sea Lion $1,000 - 4 tickets; Sea Turtle $500 - 4 tickets; Manta Ray $250 - 2 tickets; and Pelican $100 - 1 ticket.

Your tickets have been reserved and will either be delivered to your home or be available for pick-up at our Registration Desk at the Gala.

  • John & Margaret Banas

    Monique McDonald & Ed Tycholaz

  • Be the first Whale Shark sponsor!

  • Russ & Cindy Demers

    Dennis Hopple

    Catherine & Tom Tyrrell

  • Dr. Richard G. Grundler Charitable Fund

  • Mark Moss & Erin Allen

    Farzad Barkhordari & Robin Campbell

    Linda Cerro & Bob Landau

    Brian & Lesley Samuels

    David & Vicky Marsing

  • Dennis Porter & Nancy Joan Brown

    Margaret & Michael Chevedden

    Diane & Mark Johnson

    Gary Jones & Angela Pilkington-Jones

    Susie Moon & Bob Wyler

    Kasia Stahancyk

  • Anonymous Donors

    Lorene Archdekin & Alex Vandenham

    Andrea Asch

    Gretchen Bell

    Gloria Braunschweig

    Arturo Brook

    Norma Butterfield

    Cathy’s Exercise Classes (Cathy Winch)

    Shane Chapman

    Lisa Darling

    Tracey & Tom Delaplain

    Linda Mah Ford

    Gene & Mary Gegler

    Julie Glover

    Mark Goodman

    Jim & Betty Gorman

    Alfred & Tanni Graichen

    Alexander Hinds & Eloise Mendoza-Hinds

    Heidi Hu & Daniel Hsieh

    Kathy Hunter

    Susie Kim & Tom Wells

    Lisa & Chuck Lehman

    Bonnie & Robert Levin

    Gordon & Michele Miller

    Mimi Padden

    Sara Poor

    Patrick & Linda Regan

    Lina Scalzi

    Charles Smith

    Denise Stubbs

    Helen Swanston

    Carl & Sarah Zichella

  • Jonathan & Felicia Brooks

    Angela Brown

    Catherine Ebeling & Gary Wockner

    Julie Huffaker & Leslie Bevan

    Dan & Jeanne O’Shaughnessy

    Beth Rose & John Levy

    Leif Simcox

    Theresa Storm

    Reid Storm

    Dave & Lynda Rutherford