Keep Loreto Magical is sponsored by The Ocean Foundation
Pioneer of Progress
Credit Suisse’s “Pioneers of Progress" recently featured The Ocean Foundation, Keep Loreto Magical’s sponsor.
“Our Board shares my pride in our ability to support Loreto’s coastal and marine resources, as well as the people who depend on them, because we know just how special Loreto is.”
About the Ocean Foundation
As the only community foundation for the ocean, The Ocean Foundation’s 501(c)(3) mission is to support, strengthen, and promote those organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world. They focus their collective expertise on emerging threats to generate cutting edge solutions and better strategies for implementation.
Because the ocean covers 71% of the earth, The Ocean Foundation (TOF) community is global. They engage with donors and governments involved in ocean conservation anywhere in the world. They have grantees, partners, and projects on all of the world’s continents. Keep Loreto Magical Foundation (KLM) is one of these projects.
Keep Loreto Magical is a fiscally hosted project of The Ocean Foundation
KLM Staff is provided (via an annual contract for services) and paid by TOF with funding raised in Loreto or with grant funds when available. Consultant and scientist payments are also handled by TOF. All funds raised locally for KLM are deposited in a separate account and tracked and audited.
Ten percent of donations to KLM are allocated to TOF for their role as sponsor. In exchange for this administrative fee, KLM benefits strategically and operationally with access to: conservation-focused expertise and leadership at a global and local level; a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization enabling favorable tax treatment for KLM donors; professional administrative and accounting support so that KLM staff can dedicate more time and attention on mission-critical programs; access to highly-qualified consultants, resources and prospective donors; and eligibility for intra-TOF grants from other TOF funds.
Our History Together
In these remarks, Mark Spalding details the work which The Ocean Foundation started in the early 2000s and continues as support for Keep Loreto Magical Foundation today. KLM is both honored and grateful to be a part of The Ocean Foundation’s global community.