Annual Report

Here you will find the Keep Loreto Magical Foundation’s Annual Report. Our fiscal year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year.

Giving with Confidence

Keep Loreto Magical (KLM) is a project of The Ocean Foundation (TOF), a 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington, DC, USA, with the highest rating on Charity Navigator and a recipient of Guidestar’s Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency, which means our donors can “Give with Confidence.”


We are Funded Primarily through Contributions

Non-financial contributions in goods and labor, including generous donations of unique ecotourism experiences, art, and auction items, are an invaluable source of support. Since 2017, our fundraising event Noche Magica comprises a large share of that support, yielding almost $100,000 USD.

We also benefit from individual and corporate cash donations, grants, and legacy gifts. We are grateful that The Ocean Foundation’s 501(c)(3) charitable status reduces the cost burden for many of our donors, regardless of whether contributions are made through the KLM or TOF websites, donated in person, or donated in connection with our fund-raising events.

We Prioritize Program Funding

Keep Loreto Magical projects are accomplished with a combination of contractor staff and special studies commissioned by legal and scientific research specialists. Both are enhanced and supported by many volunteer hours and other in-kind services.  

Each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) a work-program is developed for Keep Loreto Magical and approved by both its Advisory Committee and The Ocean Foundation. This work-program defines project milestones and guides the expenditure of funds throughout the year, as detailed in our annual financial disclosures. Our donors can be confident that their donations directly and significantly impact the people and programs we all care about because KLM’s Staff and Advisory Committee consistently strive to minimize overhead cost and maximize program investment.