Expanding Environmental Literacy

Educating future conservation leaders, expanding knowledge of our surroundings, and increasing public awareness are often the first steps towards preserving a healthy environment.


Guided Hikes

Witnessing the majestic beauty of the Sierra de la Giganta, as the sun rises over the Gulf of California, has stirred the protective spirit of many visitors and Loretanos. And learning first-hand about the fragile dependencies of the desert ecosystem that impacts flora, fauna and all of us, will inspire your inner-environmentalist. Contact us to join the next hike!


Public Awareness

Promoting truthful dialogue and public awareness through collaboration of Loreto’s citizens, scientists and journalists is critical to address climate change and impacts to our natural resources. Solutions require a common understanding of the facts, which is why KLM supports building relationships with responsible media.


Art & Education

Only after people can answer the question, “Why do I care about the environment?” will they ask the question “What can I do to protect it?

KLM supports a wide range of educational programs, such as partnering with artists, like Uli Martinez, to create a city mural about the importance of water conservation, and partnering with organizations, like Conserva Loreto, to educate the community through science, research and school programs.

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach us more than we can ever learn from books.
— Sir John Lubbock