Noche Magica Gala 2020

computer wizardry Came to the aid of our Pueblo Magico

Bill Phelps photo

Bill Phelps photo

Our virtual Noche Magica occurred on October 29, launching an exciting silent auction that kept visitors bidding online until the last moment on November 5. Like a blue-ribbon menu that takes days to prepare, Noche Magica 2020 was soon just a memory — except to the lucky bidders who will soon claim their excursions and other winnings.

To sustain funding for the Foundation’s important health and conservation programs, our advisory committee and staff had accepted the challenge of creating of a virtual gathering and online auction. Every advisor contributed special expertise, and dedicated countless hours, to seeing ticket holders and sponsors rewarded with the fun we’ve all come to expect from a Noche Magica auction.

Participants in the kickoff meeting were invited to the auction site after hearing updates on the immense impact of their financial and moral support. After the meeting, Facebook postings invited other supporters to sign on, and they did. The brisk bidding told the Advisory Committee members that they had made no mistake by postponing the year’s gala out of concern for the health of the community. Happily, generous support for the 2020 fundraiser came from all quarters: from volunteers, sponsors, ticket buyers, the donors of auction items, and those who contributed generously with their bids.

Of course, everyone who has spent time under the Baja sun will understand why love of the land, sea and people of Bahia Loreto inspires donations supporting the programs of Keep Loreto Magical, thereby endorsing the Foundation’s mandate and the selfless work of its advisors, volunteers and staff in serving its goals.

And something lovely remains for everyone from Noche Magica 2020 —the special Noche Magica video —to lift everyone’s hearts with Loreto’s beauty, natural vitality and unique cultural atmosphere.

Noche Magica Gala 2021

Thanks to the generosity of Noche Magica sponsors and to the lively auction bidding of Loreto loyalists, the Noche Magica Online Gala rewarded the Foundation’s hard-working staff and Advisory Committee with an important infusion of funds for its 2021 operating year.

Double the bidders

At the start of the auction we had a carryover of 68 bidders from last year’s 2020 Noche Magica auction and we were pleased to welcome 60 new bidders, all whom contributed to exceed our auction revenue goal of $33,000. Thanks to the compassion of our participants, the final tally also included earmarked donations of $2,575 for Covid relief and food baskets for Loreto families in need.

Stars among the auction volunteers

The advisory board members for Keep Loreto Magical got a lot of positive feedback about the items on auction and how the auction ran. The list of notable volunteers who earned this praise start with Alex Vandenham and Lorene Archdekin for overseeing the creation and management of a smoothly performing online catalog, plus much more effort with communications—often while traveling (!!).

Cecilia Fischer secured pledges for a great variety of small and large items, filled in all the auction site information and was responsible for collecting almost all of the items. Many combined items, food, and items from her personal and family collections were used for the auction. Erik Stevens’ paellas were a big hit and raised a lot of money.

Linda Cerro did a fantastic job of highlighting a lot of items and then rotating the items and photos among various sites, so each photo was different on every posting.

Thanks to all our volunteers, donors and bidders we met our funding goal which is great news for our foundation’s programs to Keep Loreto Magical.