Marine Pollution Bulletin 146 (2019) 729–740
A multi-elemental approach to assess potential contamination in tourist beaches:
The case of Loreto Bay (Marine Protected Area), NW Mexico
Conclusions, FINAL SENTENCE:
“Preliminary geochemical monitoring of Loreto bay calls for implementing a suitable enhanced coastal monitoring programme to upkeep the pristine status and promote sustainable development beyond mere conservation. ”
Metal/metalloid concentrations in water sediment and commercial fishes of Loreto Maritime National Park (MNP), Baja California Sur, Mexico were determined for a comprehensive geochemical study. In-situ physical characteristics (pH, conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, turbidity) of water clearly indicated the unique oceanographic properties of the Gulf of California. Likewise, the distribution pattern of metals/metalloid in water, sediments and fishes denoted the influences of local geology, longshore currents, upwelling process, natural hydrothermal vents and the 100-year old mining activities of Santa Rosalia region, situated to the north of Loreto. Calculated carcinogenic indices in commercial fish species showed safe human consumption. Thus, the present research validates a comprehensive geochemical study of protected areas upholding the need for continuous monitoring for a better conservation of coastal ecosystems.
M.P. Jonathana,⁎, P.F. Rodriguez-Espinosaa, S.B. Sujithab, V.C. Shrutib, E. Martinez-Taverac
a. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (CIIEMAD), Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Calle 30 de Junio de 1520, Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Del. Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07340 Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
b. Centro Mexicano para la Producción más Limpia, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Av. Acueducto s/n, Col. Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Del. Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07340 Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
c. Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), 17 sur no. 901, Barrio de Santiago, Puebla C.P. 72410, Puebla Mexico
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