Publicity for the National Park plan
Activity: Publicity and support for the National Park of Loreto Bay’s marine life protection and fishing regulations.
Contribution: Funding for translation into English and printing of 3,000 copies of the new National Park Management Plan and fishing regulations and funding of resources for both scientific studies and professionals to assist the park.
Background: Parque Nacional Bahia Loreto (Marine Park of Loreto) officials have increased restricted fishing zones from approximately 100 hectares to over 6,200 hectares. These new zones protect fish breeding and nursery habitats. To make the new regulations easily available to English-speaking fishermen, the Keep Loreto Magical Foundation has translated the new marine park regulations for the English-speaking public which you can download as a brochure illustrated with many maps and photographs. The 16-page printable document is well organized and easy to read.
Other forms of access to the new regulations
A boat operator, guide or panga operator with a GPS navigation system can save a file in .gpx format that displays a map of the restricted or no-fishing zones. While underway on a fishing trip, the operator using the GPS device can see the map location of the boat in real time. A computer running the Google Earth application can open a .kmz file to show the same restricted fishing zones.
You can see any of these files yourself with the geographical app that reads it: Google Earth for a .kmz file and your GPS program for a .gpx file. Be sure to save your download to a location on your computer, tablet or other device where you can easily find it to open once you have the Google Earth menu or GPS screen in front of you.
Google Earth Overlay of the No Fishing Zones (kmz file format)
Google Earth Overlay of the Restricted Fishing Zones (kmz file format)
GPS exchange format file of No Fishing Zones (gpx file format)
Mangroves in the estuary near Loreto Bay Villages,
a no-fish area
Further files:
An Excel spreadsheet (in xlsx file format) giving the geographic coordinates of the No Fishing Zones.
A PDF file in Spanish of the New Park Management Plan, including the Regulations.