10 September 2018
Keep Loreto Magical Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee serves as a sounding board for The Ocean Foundation, and it provides guidance and/or review of expenditures related to funds raised by Keep Loreto Magical, particularly through the annual fundraiser.* Once fully operative, the Committee provides expertise, guidance and business-development insight for the Keep Loreto Magical annual work plan and five-year strategic plan. The Advisory Committee furnishes The Ocean Foundation with a group of knowledgeable Loreto residents who can help strategize Keep Loreto Magical opportunities, challenges and next steps.
Number of Members and Representation
There shall be five members made up of individuals with a working knowledge and strong support for the Keep Loreto Magical mission – in particular protection of our fragile watersheds, precious water aquifers, and the unique marine waters and ocean resources of the Sea of Cortez Marine Park. The individuals serving must have demonstrated previous commitment to the cause and possess strategic thinking and/or managerial skills. They should be willing, to their ability, to contribute generously to fundraising for Keep Loreto Magical projects through Noche Mágica. Where possible, members should also possess linkages to other strategic organizations such as the Homeowners Association, and/or possess special skills such as scientific, communication, and watershed, ocean and drinking water protection expertise. They must also commit to participating in at least three of the four quarterly meetings, one of which will be in person. Individuals serving on the Noche Mágica Committee shall have an opportunity to serve on the Advisory Committee, as ex-officio members, if recommended by the Noche Mágica Committee.
Who Appoints and for What Term
The term of commitment is two years, which can be renewed if satisfactory to all parties. Cecilia and the Noche Mágica Committee members vote on a list of recommend individuals and recommend the top five vote- getters to The Ocean Foundation President, who makes the final decision on committee composition. For the initiating committee, once appointed, a random selection will be made of three who will serve two years, and two who will serve one year, so that there will be a rotating term of office.
Meeting Times and Locations
The Committee will meet quarterly in November, February, May, and August. At least two meetings should be attended in person, the others may be attended via Conference Call. One meeting of the year will be designated the annual meeting which the President of The Ocean Foundation and all of the members should plan to attend in person in Loreto. Cecilia Fischer will also be expected to attend all meetings. Meeting agendas will be developed by Cecilia with input from Mark J. Spalding and will be circulated as a draft two weeks before the meeting. Committee members will have the opportunity to suggest additions to the agenda.
* Some funds that come into KLM from foundations and other sources are the result of a formal grant proposal and agreement process. Thus, our hands are tied to the spending in accord with that grant’s budget. Thus, when timely done, we can seek advice during a grant proposal process.
Mark J. Spalding
Keep Loreto Magical is a project of: