Russ Demers

Russ has held senior positions in a 30-year career with Fortune 200 companies, developing and leading their strategies for executive leadership development, succession planning and organizational effectiveness. His career has been based on applying the insights of psychology to helping an executive team frame its goals, carefully introduce appropriate changes, and employ human resources systems aimed at managerial consistency, high training standards and good internal communications. Many of Russ’s programs have been benchmarked as best practices in the field. 

Russ holds undergraduate, Master’s and PhD degrees in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Before joining industry, he was a professor in the New Jersey State college system and served on the psychology teaching faculty of Rutgers University, Stockton State College and Upsala College.

Russ is one of a select group of individuals who has been certified as a Leadership Coach under the authority of the International Coaching Federation. The importance of psychology in the workplace is underlined by the long list of professional organizations that Russ supports with his membership, including the American Society of Training & Development, the American Counseling Association, and the Human Resources Planning Society. Two such organizations -- the Society of Psychologists in Management and the Professional Coaches and Mentors Association—are among the groups who have invited Russ to speak to their national conferences.